Can we stay in touch?
I love to meet new people, get inspired and stay up to date on social media.
You can join me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for daily updates, and then on Youtube for weekly videos. And of course, here on the blog for recipes and posts.
So let’s stay connected!
Youtube: www.youtube.com/LiezlJayne
Instagram: www.instagram.com/liezljayne
Facebook: www.facebook.com/liezljayne.blog
Twitter: www.twitter.com/liezljayne
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/liezljayne
Tumblr: liezljayne.tumblr.com
Snapchat: @liezljayne
My workout playlist: play.spotify.com/user/liezljayne
Frequently asked questions
I often get asked various questions about how I've lost 40 Lbs and have kept it off, and I also get asked a lot of questions about The Beautiful Body Guide. So I decided to put together an FAQ section on the blog - check it out to see if I've already answered your question. If I haven't covered it, then feel free to send me a mail with your Q - contact me at [email protected]
You will find the FAQ SECTION here: guides.liezljayne.com/frequently-asked-questions-guides/
Please note that due to such a large number of emails, I’m no longer able to respond to personal emails (like I used to) – However, if you have any queries about my Ebooks, or any collaboration queries, then please don’t hesitate to send me an email! I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Sales questions and enquiries
If you have any sales questions and enquiries about The Beautiful Body Guide, please email me at [email protected] – I will get back to you as soon as possible. However, please take note of time zone differences (your day time might be my night time, so I might only be able get back to you in a day or 2). I always try to respond asap! But – these 2 pages might answer common questions that you may have, please take a look at them before you email me:
Guides: guides.liezljayne.com/guides/
Look inside The Beautiful Body Guide: guides.liezljayne.com/the-beautiful-body-guide/
Results and transformations
I would love to see your amazing results and transformation from using The Beautiful Body Guide 12 week program. You can email your transformation photos to [email protected] – and you can tag me in your posts and photos on my social media pages @liezljayne – show me your transformation photos, recipe creations and fitness pics on Instagram and Facebook using the hashtags #liezljayne and #beautifulbodymovement
Want to say hello?
You can also always tweet me at twitter.com/liezljayne // or find my Facebook page www.facebook.com/liezljayne.blog // or my Instagram page www.instagram.com/liezljayne
Collaborations and enquiries
If you think that you’d like to collaborate with me on a project, or if you have any enquiries (about my blog or YouTube channel or about my Ebooks), then you can email me at [email protected]
Please note that due to such a large number of emails, I’m no longer able to respond to personal emails (like I used to) – However, if you have any queries about my Ebooks, or any collaboration queries, then please don’t hesitate to send me an email! I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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