50+ recipes to get healthy & lose weight in the morning!
Available now for just $15 (Once-off purchase, NO subscriptions!)
- 184 pages, 58 recipes, full page photos of every recipe
- All plant-based & vegan except egg-based recipes (which all have vegan alternatives apart from 2 recipes)
- Gluten, wheat, soy & dairy free
- “Calorie friendly” + filling – Specifically created to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, designed to be lower in calories but still filling for increased sustained energy
- Delicious “dessert for breakfast” recipes you don’t have to feel guilty about!
- No more boring breakfasts!
- Easy to spot tags help you quickly find recipes that are budget friendly, quick to make, dessert for breakfast, meal prep ready, & Liezl’s favorites!
not just breakfast
It’s no secret, I love breakfast! One of the reasons is that you can enjoy them anytime of the day. I’m just as likely to eat a delicious bowl of chocolate oatmeal for dinner as I am first thing in the morning.
Done right, breakfast foods are delicious, easy to make, and provide a healthy balance of nutrients your body needs for sustained energy. They’re also great for losing weight, or maintaining a healthy weight, because they can be filling, balanced and nutritious without empty calories.
So, although this book is “just breakfast”, it’s not just breakfast. You can enjoy these tasty recipes anytime you like!
what’s inside?
Simple – all my favorite healthy delicious breakfast recipes! Broken up into 9 sections, from oats to toasts to waffles and pancakes, they’re all here. From sweet to savory, there’s something for every mood. When making this book, I really wanted to make sure each and every recipe is healthy, nutritious, balanced, and as calorie-friendly as possible – without sacrificing tastiness!
So whether you’re trying to get more healthy, improve your energy, get some fresh fun inspiration, or lose weight / maintain a healthy weight – this book could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.
There’s all time classic favorites from my YouTube videos and blog, as well as delicious new never-before-shared recipes I’m so excited to show you. Even though I’ve made many of these countless times before, I made every single recipe from scratch to make sure it’s absolutely perfect – and to give you lots of beautiful pics for inspiration!
Here’s a quick overview of each of the 9 sections and the recipes you’ll find in each one…

1. oatmeal
Classic coconut oatmeal Classic chocolate oatmeal Coffee blueberry oatmeal Lemon & vanilla chia oatmeal Apple pie oatmeal Pecan pie oatmeal Carrot cake oatmeal Banana bread oatmeal Strawberry “cheesecake” oatmeal

2. muffins

3. overnight oats
Vanilla chia overnight oats Coffee banana overnight oats Lemon blueberry overnight oats Orange chocolate overnight oats Berry yogurt overnight oats Peanut butter & apple overnight oats Champion protein overnight oats Chocolate blueberry overnight oats

4. something different
Breakfast oat & chia bread Chewy lemon & oatmeal breakfast cookies Sweet breakfast tacos

5. breakfast bowls
Toasted oats cereal Toasted oats breakfast bowl Daddy’s girl breakfast bowl Chocolate chia pudding Vanilla chia pudding The fruit fly (chia yogurt bowl) Squirrel cereal (muesli) Squirrel cereal breakfast bowl

6. smoothies
Breakfast at the tropics Classic green smoothie Classic berry banana smoothie Chocolate yogurt smoothie Coffee date smoothie Oh so creamy! Protein power punch Green mango protein smoothie Sweet nectar

7. pancakes & waffles
Classic oat & banana pancake and waffle mix PB, blueberry, banana & walnut flapjacks South African pannekoek (Liezl style) Magic apple waffle & pancake mix Coconut date pancakes

8. toasts
Not your average avocado toast Mediterranean morning toast PB & chocolate toast Big apple toast Sweet cream cheese toast Spicy roasted bell pepper slices Roasted pepper & cream cheese toast

9. eggs
Mom-made-me-do-it Mediterranean morning frittata Scrambled egg breakfast tacos Big apple breakfast Big breakfast sandwich
hard to believe it’s healthy
You don’t have to choose between being healthy and eating delicious foods – if you know how, you can have both!
There’s no reason why tasty “dessert for breakfast” type foods like pancakes, waffles, and even chocolate muffins can’t be both delicious and nutritious.
I’ve designed these recipes to be delicious, filling and balanced, so you can enjoy your favorites guilt-free.
Apart from the egg based recipes (there’s vegan alternatives included), all recipes are plant based and vegan friendly. They’re also gluten, dairy, soy and wheat free!
simple to make using easy to find everyday ingredients
There’s nothing more frustrating than finding a delicious recipe you’re excited to make, only to discover that it uses exotic or expensive ingredients you don’t have access to. Growing up in South Africa, I know this struggle too well!
That’s why I always try and use simple, easy to find ingredients that won’t break the bank.
You also don’t need to be a master chef to pull these off. The recipes aren’t complicated, and the easy to follow instructions will guide you through the process step by step.

this book is digital & available
to download instantly
On your phone, tablet, or desktop – download instantly and enjoy on all of your devices… plus, we’re helping save the rain forests by going digital 🙂 For the best viewing experience, you can also import directly into a native reader like iBooks or download to a compatible Kindle. Kick back, relax and enjoy!
how i lost more than 40 lbs
After years of struggling with my weight (and trying so many diets that didn’t work), I was finally able to lose more than 30 lbs in 12 weeks – and completely reinvent my body shape. I’ve now lost more than 40 lbs!
So many women struggle to lose weight and get the bodies that they want – and often, it’s just because they are making a few small mistakes that can easily be corrected.
I have tried so many approaches to achieving my own personal body goals and have failed more times than I can count – but after trying every approach out there, I lost weight by following a simple method and just a few basic steps.
One of the big keys for me was finding healthy, balanced meals just like the ones I share in this book. When you eat the right foods it just makes everything else so much easier because you’re giving your body the healthy nutrients it needs to function optimally. This is the first essential step for achieving a healthy body and weight you love.
from IG
Hi liezl, I am really big thankful to you my prospective towards my food is totally changed now, I give all credits to you I have lost 29 kgs, by following your videos like what I eat in a day, meal prep, healthy snacks and many more, the weight I gained after my two pregnancies seemed impossible to get rid off and each passing day I felt sad, your diets and exercise routine has helped me to change my life radically, I am a happier person again.
I fall short on words to thank you for being my motivator, my diet checker and my fitness routine. The courage of change you bought into me is now a lifestyle, I wish and will carry forward forever.

my personal journey
Yes, that was once me! For many years I couldn’t lose weight or get into shape the way I wanted to. I tried so many crazy fad diets that made me feel like I was going crazy, and they never worked for me.
It took a long time and a lot of searching but I eventually realized that a balanced diet was actually the best kind of diet for me. To me, a balanced diet just means that I eat all of the food groups, such as; carbs, fats and protein. I now focus on eating whole foods that are nutritious and I’m not afraid of any of the food groups!
As difficult as it was at the time, going through the experience of trying everything to lose weight is what lead me to where I am today. I learnt so much, and it helped me to figure out how to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle instead of the ups and downs of most diets.
Healthy and sustainable is the main principle I build all my recipes on. I want to be able to eat delicious foods that I love and I know are good for me in the long run. That’s why I’m so excited to be able to now share these recipes with you 🙂
pretty + simple
If you’re anything like me, you like your meals to look as good as they taste! Making Pinterest-worthy breakfasts doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming, it just takes a little creativity and having fun. This book should provide you with plenty of fresh inspiration!
the secret power of breakfast
It may be a cliche, but I really believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There’s the obvious benefits – eating a healthy meal that leaves you feeling great and gives you sustained energy for several hours makes it far less likely you’ll be temped by empty-calorie snacks. But it’s more than that.
There’s been lots of studies that show all kinds of benefits to having a healthy morning meal, but to me the biggest benefit is not even about the practical advantages – it’s about leveraging the power of habit.
Regardless of what time it is, the first meal you eat sets the tone for the rest of the day. When you choose a healthy meal as your first meal (whether that’s first thing in the morning or later in the day) it makes you feel like you want to continue your healthy streak into the rest of the day and make more healthy choices.
Is this a physical book you'll send me?
Can this book help me to lose weight?
While I didn’t design this book specifically as a “weight-loss book”, I did make these recipes as calorie efficient as possible (while still being delicious and filling!) so that they can be used as part of any healthy weight loss or weight maintainance program.
This means that the meals are designed to be nutritious and filling without being filled with empty calories.
In a nutshell, to most effectively lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, you need to be eating healthy balanced meals on a consistent basis and experiment to find out roughly how many daily calories you need to achieve your personal goals. This depends on a lot of different factors, such as; your current wieght, your metabolism, and how much excersize you’re getting in your current lifestyle.
The bottom line is, all of the recipes in this book can be part of a healthy routine that helps you to either lose or maintain your ideal goal weight.
Does this work with your "Point System" from The Beautiful Body Guide?
It can, yes.
I’ve tried my best to make these recipes as calorie efficient as possible. They’re designed to be not only delicious, but also healthy and wholesome and can be used as part of a healthy diet whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight.
A lot of people love using my “points system” from my book, The Beautiful Body Guide. In case you’re unfamiliar with it, the points system is a method I came up with to be able to keep track of calories without it taking over your life.
Instead of trying to keep track of specific calorie amounts, you can follow a simple food chart where roughly 100 calories = 1 point.
So for example, a regular apple = 1 point. Simple as that.
If you use my points system, it’s very easy to implement using the recipes in this book. For all the recipes I give a rough calorie value and I suggest simply rounding that up or down to the nearest 50 calories.
So for example, if a recipe is 320 calories, you’d round it down to 300 which = 3 points. If a recipe is 240 calories, just round it up to 250 which = 2.5 points. If you’re thinking this is cheating, keep in mind that one banana can vary by as much as 50 calories (70 – 120 calories) – and that’s just one ingredient!
When you round off to the nearest 50 calories, or “half point”, the differences will even themselves out and you can still meet your overall calorie goals – without driving yourself crazy about it!
It just doesn’t make sense to split hairs over a few calories here and there. Keeping things simple and easy to follow means you’re much more likely to stick to it and reach your goals that much quicker!
Are these recipes vegan?
All the recipes are plant based and vegan apart from the egg-based recipes. I’ve provided vegan alternatives for all except 2 recipes in the book. You’re welcome to try vegan egg replaces, but since plant based egg replacers differ so much from brand to brand I didn’t want to make any claims about a specific brand.
“the first meal you eat sets the tone for the rest of the day”
I love knowing that having a healthy breakfast doesn’t only give me sustained energy for several hours, but also sets me up to want to make healthy choices for the rest of the day.
50+ recipes to get healthy & lose weight in the morning!
Available now for just $15 (Once-off purchase, NO subscriptions!)
- 184 pages, 58 recipes, full page photos of every recipe
- All plant-based & vegan except egg-based recipes (which all have vegan alternatives apart from 2 recipes)
- Gluten, wheat, soy & dairy free
- “Calorie friendly” + filling – Specifically created to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, designed to be lower in calories but still filling for increased sustained energy
- Delicious “dessert for breakfast” recipes you don’t have to feel guilty about!
- No more boring breakfasts!
- Easy to spot tags help you quickly find recipes that are budget friendly, quick to make, dessert for breakfast, meal prep ready, & Liezl’s favorites!
not just for women…
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